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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


One who Watches on the Route of Falsehood Goes out of the Route!


President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his speech at the AK Party Parliamentary Group Meeting, stated that he was very pleased to be with his volunteers at the first Group Meeting of 2025 and wished that the meeting would be an occasion for good for the country, the nation, the AK Party and democracy.

President Erdogan: "In the political struggle of our party approaching a quarter of a century, we have never left the nation's course. We have never broken away from the goals, objectives, and ancient values of the nation." (15.01.2025 Directorate of Communication)


President Erdogan made statements about many issues at the group meeting, ranging from inflation, cost of living, economic crisis in domestic politics, ending the terrorism issue again, to developments in Syria in foreign policy. Erdogan, the master of manipulation, who has been flexing and straightening words and concepts in the direction he wants throughout his power, has been able to keep the people in the consistency he wants many times thanks to this. From the day he came to power until now, normalizing democracy, which has nothing to do with the beliefs and values of Muslims, presenting and praising it every time as a supreme value, as well as marketing ideas and concepts that are contrary to Islam with Islamic sauce, is his greatest capital.

Mr. Erdogan: Throughout your rule, you have acted as the guardian of the secular democratic order, which is the Western order, in such a way that you have shown it to the public as if it were the defense of rights.

Although the direction you are walking, the path you are following, and the advanced democracy you are aiming to reach is a swamp of falsehood, you present this range as the route of the people. As long as you follow the path of secular democracy, you will never have a partnership with the route of the Muslim people.

The direction and route of democracy that you have drawn to the descendants of the Muslim people who have hosted the Islamic civilization for centuries is wrong. Your statements are big deceptions such as you beautify democracy by starting with "Bismillah", giving secularism meaning in your own way, adding the term "world truth" to the beginning of interest, and adding the promise of service to the truth next to serving the public, "we have not been silent about the massacres in Gaza for 14 months, we have been with them every step of the way.” You have maintained your power by exploiting the Islamic feelings of the people with these deceptions, but you have weakened the command of the right.

How can the Western laws and laws that you measure at every step of your administration and the order that you follow even be the direction of the Muslim people, while you are the direction of the rulers? The Muslim people have only one course of government, and that is the Islamic State, which the Messenger of Allah (saw) applied himself. While halal haram should be the only measure in both individual, society and state administration, you have made current politics, interests essential for Muslims. With the economy, which is the cruel order of capitalism, you have turned the people into your slaves. Taxes, hikes, you considered it a genius to give with a teaspoon what you collected from the people with a scoop through the exploitation scheme. You have made the interest, the loans, such that you have left very few people you have not involved in this cursed business, and you have bragged about it. And how can you, who have opened the doors of many more exorbitances, prostitution, gambling and sins that we have not counted yet, have a harmony with the route of the Muslim people. No, with this management and understanding of yours, you are following the course of falsehood and dragging the people after you, making them partners in your crimes.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Ahmet SAPA

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