الإثنين، 10 رمضان 1446| 2025/03/10
Saat: (M.M.T)
القائمة الرئيسية
القائمة الرئيسية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  • حزب التحریر کے مرکزی میڈیا آفس کے شعبہ خواتین کی جانب سے:
  • عالمی مہم اور کانفرنس:
  • "خاندان: مشکلات اور اسلامی حل"


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3 اکتوبر کو حزب التحریر کے مرکزی میڈیا آفس کے شعبہ خواتین نے ایک اہم عالمی مہم کا آغاز کیا جس کا عنوان ہے، "خاندان: مشکلات اور اسلامی حل"۔ اس مہم کا اختتام ایک بین الاقوامی خواتین کانفرنس کے انعقاد پر ہوگا جو کہ اکتوبر کے اواخر میں منعقد ہو گی اور جس میں دنیا بھر سے مقررین شریک ہوں گے۔

غمزدہ، ٹوٹے اور شکستہ حال ازدواجی اور گھریلو زندگی خاندان کے تمام افراد کے لیے شدید جذباتی اضطراب کا موجب بنتے ہیں اور اس کے اثرات بچوں پر، افراد پر اور معاشروں پر تباہ کن ہیں۔چنانچہ گھریلو زندگی میں موجود اس بحران کی طرف سنجیدگی سے توجہ دینے اور اسے تباہی سے بچانے کی ضرورت ہے۔ اس اہم مہم اور کانفرنس میں ہم آج کی دنیا میں خاندان کی ساخت کی بدلتی صورت کی وجہ سے درپیش خطرات کی نشاندہی کریں گے۔ ہم نکاح کے ادارے اور خاندانی زندگی میں موجود ہم آہنگی کودرپیش خطرات اور اس بحران کو پھیلانے میں میڈیا اور حکومتوں کے کردار کی نشاندہی کریں گے ۔ ہم مسلم گھرانے اور معاشرتی احکامات کو سیکولر بنانے کے بین الاقوامی اور قومی ایجنڈے کو بے نقاب کریں گےجس کا مقصد مسلمانوں کو اپنے دین سے مزید دور کرنا ہے۔ اور سب سے اہم یہ کہ ہم اسلام کے معاشرتی نظام کو پیش کریں گے اور واضح کریں گے کہ اُس کا منفرد نقطۂ نظر کس طرح جنسی تعلقات کو منظم کرتا ہے، اور اُس کے معیاری اصول و احکامات کس طرح ازدواجی زندگی کو تحفظ فراہم کرنے، اور اس میں باہمی شفقت و آسودگی کو فروغ دینے، ماں کے درجے کو بلند کرنے ، گھریلو زندگی میں مرد و عورت کے کردار اور حقوق کے تعین اور مضبوط گھرانے کو قائم کرنے میں کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ یہ مہم اور کانفرنس اُس نہایت اہم کردار کی تفصیل بیان کرے گی جو خلافت علیٰ منہاج النبوۃ مستحکم ازدواجی زندگی اور خاندان کی تربیت، تقویت اور تحفظ میں ادا کرتی ہے۔


پیر، 23 محرم 1440 ھ - 03 اکتوبر 2018 عیسوی




 دیگر زبانوں میں مہم فالو کریں:


ar b












Announcement of the Campaign

by Dr Nazreen Nawaz

Director of the Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir















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WS CMO Twitter Storm Advert Family Crisis Camp 6th Oct 2018 UR











   پی ڈی ایف (PDF) میں ڈاؤن لوڈ کرنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں



Dawah around the World: Save the Family Campaign




How Islam and the Khilafah Value and Protect Motherhood

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

13 Safar 1440 AH - 23 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Institution of Marriage in the Balance of the Shariah

Engineer Dorrah Al-Bakoush

13 Safar 1440 AH - 22 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Muslim Family: A Model to be Emulated

Zeinah As-Samit

13 Safar 1440 AH - 22 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Polygamy in Islam

Rana Mustafa

12 Safar 1440 AH - 21 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Marriage in Islam

Maria Al-Qibtiyah

12 Safar 1440 AH - 21 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Muslim Family… Its Disintegration will be Solved by the Second Khilafah Rashidah

Zaina Al-Saamit

09 Safar 1440 AH - 18 OCTOBER 2018 CE

﴿لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ﴾

"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern” [Al-Ahzab: 21]

The Righteous Husband Exemplified by the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (saw)

Maria Al Qibtiya

08 Safar 1440 AH - 17 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Afghanistan: The Orderly Coexistence of Men and Women is an Islamic Duty and not a Secular Right!

Amanah Abed

07 Safar 1440 AH - 16 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Attack by the Western Governments against Islamic Family Laws

Tsuroyya Amal Yasna
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

07 Safar 1440 AH - 16 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The British Government’s Dangerous Family Planning Campaign Belittles the Family Unit and Insults Women and are the same Styles used Against Muslims

Imrana Mohammad

07 Safar 1440 AH - 16 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Polygamy: Between the Prevention and Restrictive Measures of Governments and Misrepresentation and Distortion of Organizations

Rana Mustafa

06 Safar 1440 AH - 15 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Secularisation of the Islamic Family Laws in Turkey – From Atatürk to Modern Day

Zehra Malik

05 Safar 1440 AH - 14 OCTOBER 2018 CE

What Do We Want?
To End the Guardianship of Men over Women, or End the Guardianship of the West over the Ummah?

Nisreen Budhafri

05 Safar 1440 AH - 14 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Do they really reject “early marriages”?!

Bayan Jamal

04 Safar 1440 AH - 13 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Secularization of Family Laws is Part of the Policy of the Corrupt Regimes in Islamic Countries

Muslimah Ash-Shami (Umm Suhaib)

04 Safar 1440 AH - 13 OCTOBER 2018 CE

International Conferences or Schemes to Dismantle Family Relations?

Rana Mostafa

03 Safar 1440 AH - 12 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The I’sma (Right of Divorce) is for the Man,
the Secularists’ Pretext in Attacking Islam

Bayan Jamal

03 Safar 1440 AH - 12 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Feminism is a Fool’s Paradise for Women in Search of Self-Worth and a Major Cause of Destruction of Family Life in Pakistan

Ikhlaq Jehan
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

02 Safar 1440 AH - 11 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Breaking Non-Islamic Traditions is a must to Save the Muslim Family

Ikhlaq Jehan
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

01 Safar 1440 AH - 10 OCTOBER 2018 CE

How Feminism Fractured the Family


The Destructive Impact of Feminism and Gender Equality on Marriage, Motherhood and Family Life

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

02 Safar 1440 AH - 11 OCTOBER 2018 CE

How Feminism Fractured the Family


How Feminism Developed its Disdain for Marriage, Motherhood and the Traditional Family Unit

Economic Dependence on the Husband & Viewing Domestic Roles and Motherhood as a Waste of Women’s Talents

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

02 Safar 1440 AH - 11 OCTOBER 2018 CE

How Feminism Fractured the Family


How Feminism Developed its Disdain for Marriage, Motherhood and the Traditional Family Unit

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

01 Safar 1440 AH - 10 OCTOBER 2018 CE

How Feminism Fractured the Family

Feminism: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

01 Safar 1440 AH - 10 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Role of the Bollywood Entertainment Industry in the Destruction of the Muslim Family

Ikhlaq Jehan
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

29 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 9 OCTOBER 2018 CE

When Electronic Communication Destroy Established Homes and Separates People!

Bara’ah Manasrah

29 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 9 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Secular Government and Media are Destroying the Islamic Family Values in Pakistan

Ikhlaq Jehan
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

29 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 9 OCTOBER 2018 CE

TV Drama: An Industry that Casts its Malignant Shadow over the Family and Society

Bara’a Manasra

29 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 9 OCTOBER 2018 CE

A Mother, Wife and a Housewife: the Price for the Slavery of Childbearing! This is How Secularism Corrupted Women's Lives

Nisreen Budhafri

28 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 8 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Great Disruption against the Family (Part-1):

Capitalism Humiliates the Mother

Fika Komara
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

28 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 8 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Violence Against Women and Children An Imported Epidemic

from the Secular West

Zehra Malik

27 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 7 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Causes of Family Breakdown amongst Muslim Communities in the West

Yasmin Malik
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

27 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 7 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Broken Judicial Systems of the Muslim Lands Fails Women and Families

Fatima Musab
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

27 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 7 OCTOBER 2018 CE

A Long Hand of the Ruling Regimes in the Muslim Countries to Corrupt and Secularize the Family

Bara’ah Manasrah

26 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 6 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The Impact of Family Breakdown on Children and Society

Yasmin Malik
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

26 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 6 OCTOBER 2018 CE

O young People! Whoever among You Can Marry, Should Marry

Muslimah Ash-Shami (Umm Suhaib)

26 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 6 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The “Family Meltdown” of Western Secular Society


The Causes of Family Meltdown in Western Secular States

 Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

25 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 5 OCTOBER 2018 CE

 Iran: Progress in Equal Rights or Ruin of its Population?

Amanah Abed

25 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 5 OCTOBER 2018 CE

Muslim Family… And the Dangers of Disintegration

Zaina As-Samit

24 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 4 OCTOBER 2018 CE

The “Family Meltdown” of Western Secular Society

The Reality of Family Meltdown in Western Secular States

Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

24 MUHARRAM 1440 AH - 4 OCTOBER 2018 CE


CMO line divider

en video


Who is the Successful Woman?

I do not love her

Statement from the Prophet's (saw) Sermon 

Is gender equality a greater force in family composition?

Scale of Domestic Violence and a widespread Western epidemic in Muslim societies

The Family Breakdown in the West

Family Crisis Divorce




Sisters' Discussion in Indonesia



en message


Message of Support from the Blessed Land- Palestine

Message of Support from Britain

 Message of Support from Tunisia

Message of Support from The Netherlands

Message of Support from Spain

Message of Support from Indonesia

Message of Support from Turkey





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Last modified onپیر, 19 نومبر 2018 18:35

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