Media Office
Central Media Office
H. 11 Ramadan 1435 | No: 1435 AH /048 |
M. Wednesday, 09 July 2014 |
Press Release
America: Head of Evil!
The American State Department spokeswoman, Jennfer Psaki demanded a speedy investigation to be carried out regarding the incident of the severe beatings of the American boy of Palestinian origins by the Israeli police, during the protests in East Jerusalem last week. Psaki commented that what happened to Tariq Abu Khdeir (15 years old) who is the cousin of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, the teen who was kidnapped by settlers and then burnt alive, by saying, "We are profoundly troubled by reports that he was severely beaten while in police custody and strongly condemn any excessive use of force. We are calling for a speedy, transparent and credible investigation and full accountability for any excessive use of force," over what happened.
One who hears the statement of the US State Department may think that they are protective of human beings were it not for knowing the reality of America's democracy that it insists on imposing itself upon the Muslims through its governing tools like Bashar Al-Assad in Syria who superseded his father Hafiz in his criminal record; one that puts Nero to shame the one responsible for the Rome fire. Hafiz was satisfied with some thousand victims when suppressing the 1982 Uprising against him in addition to wiping out several neighbourhoods in Hama. As for Bashar, he did not spare the use of any brutal weapon, including land to land missiles, land to air missiles, chemical weapons and exploding barrels that he used under the hearing and sight of Uncle Sam, who insists that the exit from the "civil war" in Syria is only through the political solution (and to overlook the deep red colour of blood of more than 150,000 of Al-Assad victims, in addition to the millions of people displaced and the destruction of mosques...)
Thus the US State Department's role is to look after the affairs of its citizens, and to defend them in the face of excessive force. As for the burning of the young man, Muhammad Abu Khdeir, it is not its concern. The Israeli state would not have survived a day if it wasn't for the American excessive support for it. Although the Jewish terrorist agencies have arrested up to now, more than 700 from the people of Palestine, yet those in the America's dictionary of politics are not regarded as human beings that America should concern itself with. As for its agent Al-Assad's use of excessive force against his people, human rights according to Uncle Sam only applies to the Americans. Despite that the American officials are not embarrassed of making repeated statements insisting on propagating democracy to spread its light and civilization over Muslim lands, whatever the price and whatever are the chilling crimes committed by his henchmen! Let us not forget the American citizen, if he was a Muslim who troubled the American politicians making them lose their sleep, then there is no issue in swallowing or tossing the American constitution in the dustbin, so that a drone is sent to assassinate him, as in the case of Anwar Al-Awlaqi (who was an American Muslim citizen), even his son a minor 16 years of age was also assassinated in a separate raid. This is another message to the Muslim Ummah that shows the compassion of Uncle Sam, its civilization and democracy that the Muslims must accept with an open heart, or else they must expect the same fate as the Native Indians or the Black Negros. Praise is to Allah that the American actions have exposed its hatred and animosity against Islam and the Muslims.
(إِنَّ مَوْعِدَهُمُ الصُّبْحُ ۚ أَلَيْسَ الصُّبْحُ بِقَرِيبٍ)
"Indeed, their appointment is [for] the morning. Is not the morning near?" [Hud: 81]
Othman Bakhach
Director of the Central Media Office
of Hizb ut Tahrir
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