Sunday, 25 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 | 2024/06/02
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Wilayah Turkiye Evening Demonstrations Denouncing the Brutal Massacres in Rafah!

  • Published in Turkey
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 In light of the brutal massacres (genocide) that have been continuing for more than seven months, committed by the criminal Jewish entity against defenseless Muslims in the Gaza Strip, which have led to the martyrdom and injury of more than 120 thousand Muslims, both male and female, so far, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey organized massive evening demonstrations in 25 areas denouncing the brutal massacres

The Female Guardians of Democracy Do Not Represent the Women of Sudan who Disbelieve in Democracy

On Wednesday, 15/5/2024, the American envoy to Sudan, Perriello, visited the headquarters of the Alharisat (Revolution's Female Guardians Organization) in Kampala, where he held consultations to learn about views on establishing peace in Sudan. He met with Sudanese female activists in Uganda and discussed with them efforts to end the war and the violations that affect women.

Gaza has More Rubble than Ukraine, and our Sisters and Children are the Majority of the Dead Buried Under It

The UN Women issued a report in April 2024, regarding the status of women and children in Gaza. Six months into the war, over 10,000 women have been killed, among them an estimated 6,000 mothers, leaving 19,000 children orphaned. Al Jazeera estimates that 25,000 women and children have been killed.
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