Media Office
Wilayah Egypt
H. 5 Ramadan 1446 | No: 1446 / 22 |
M. Wednesday, 05 March 2025 |
Press Release
Cairo Summit Confirms the Arab Rulers’ Betrayal of the Blessed Land of Palestine
The emergency Arab summit was held in Cairo amidst bitter circumstances that the Islamic Ummah is experiencing, most notably the Jewish aggression on Gaza, and the increasing international pressures regarding the Palestinian issue. As expected, the summit issued a final statement that contained expressions of condemnation and denunciation, and called for patchwork solutions that do not address the roots of the crisis. How do we view this summit? And what is the position on its outcomes?
Arab leaders are accustomed to holding emergency summits whenever crises escalate, but they do not lead to a radical change in the political or military reality.
Rather, they come as a formal measure to show "Arab action" to angry peoples, without harming the interests of the Western powers that control the fate of the region, its rulers and regimes. The last summit is no exception to this rule, as it was limited to issuing a statement calling for "rejecting the forced displacement of Palestinians" and "adopting the Gaza reconstruction plan", while the Jews continue their aggression with Western support, without the conference participants taking any real step to stop it.
One of the most dangerous aspects of the summit outcomes is its emphasis on a political solution based on UN resolutions, which contradicts reality, as this organization has never been on the side of the Ummah, but rather a tool in the hands of the West to impose its colonial projects. The continued promotion of the two-state solution by Arab rulers as a way out of the crisis is political deception that deludes the people into believing that there is a political solution that can be achieved, while the occupation continues its settlement project without stopping, leaving no room for the establishment of that alleged state.
The summit completely ignored the radical solution to the Palestinian issue, which is to liberate it from the Jews through jihad for the sake of Allah, and to establish the Khilafah (Caliphate) that unites the nation and directs its armies towards fighting the usurping Jews, instead of engaging in Western projects that aim to perpetuate the occupation.
Palestine is not just a humanitarian or political issue, but rather a doctrinal issue related to which are legal rulings that must be implemented immediately, and failing to do so is a sin. The liberation of all of Palestine is the issue of the Ummah for which its armies must move immediately until it is achieved, led by the surrounding countries, first and foremost Egypt.
One of the main topics that the summit focused on was "reconstructing Gaza", a card used to contain popular anger and delude the Palestinians that the solution lies in pumping money, rather than mobilizing armies to end the occupation. Reconstruction while the occupation continues is a consecration of the status quo, because everything that is built will be destroyed again. The solution is not to beg for aid, but to mobilize the Ummah and its armies to liberate Palestine, which is the real duty of the Ummah and its armies, especially Egypt and its army.
Reconstruction is a recycling of the crisis, so Gaza remains besieged and under constant threat, while companies and countries benefit from the contracts and money pumped in the name of reconstruction. Global and Arab companies enter the projects, and obtain contracts worth billions of dollars, and the Jewish entity controls the entry of construction materials, and sometimes they are imported from its companies, which means that it profits from the reconstruction that came about as a result of its crimes. In addition to the Arab countries, led by Egypt, the main partner of the usurping entity, and the actual controller of everything that enters the Gaza Strip.
Despite the occupation's continued crimes against the people of Gaza, the summit outcomes did not include any practical steps to stop the aggression, even if it is immediate to stop their bloodshed, such as severing diplomatic relations, or stopping military cooperation and security coordination with it. Or even using economic resources to pressure the countries that support it. On the contrary, some Arab countries are still playing the role of mediator between the resistance and it, instead of being on its side. The Egyptian regime is still the same, besieging the people of Gaza with continuous pressure to accept what the West dictates to them.
The outcomes of the summit reflect the fact that the Arab rulers are not part of the solution, but rather an essential part of the problem, as they are functional tools that implement the West's projects in the region. If they had the slightest real intention to liberate Palestine, the Muslim armies would not have remained in their barracks, while the Jewish entity continues its aggression without deterrence.
This summit did not offer anything new, but rather came as an extension of a long series of failed summits that did not achieve anything for the Ummah, but rather contributed to perpetuating its suffering. It is a new opportunity to reveal the truth about these regimes to their people, so that they may realize that their fate will not change with treasonous initiatives, but rather with an intellectual and political revolution that restores Islam to power and leads the Ummah towards its stolen glory.
O Soldiers of Kinana: You are the descendants of Al-Nasir Salah Al-Din who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders, and Al-Muzaffar Qutuz and Al-Zahir Baybars who stopped the Mongol advance. You were a shield for the Ummah and a victory for it, so complete your work and do what Allah has obligated upon you, for you are able to support our people in Palestine and liberate their land in a few hours of a day, so do it for the sake of your Lord and expel from you the rulers of harm who prevent you from this great duty and honor, so expel these rulers and all the invalid decisions and corrupt outcomes they have concluded, and be a victory for the Ummah by establishing its state, the Khilafah Rashidah (rightly guided Caliphate) on the path of the Prophethood, the state that moves you to support Islam and its people and preserve its sanctities. We ask Allah to be with you and in you, O soldiers of Kinana.
[وَمَا لَكُمْ لاَ تُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ وَالْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاء وَالْوِلْدَانِ الَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَـذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيّاً وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ نَصِيراً]
“And what is it with you? You do not fight in the cause of Allah and for oppressed men, women, and children who cry out, “Our Lord! Deliver us from this land of oppressors! Appoint for us a saviour; appoint for us a helper—all by Your grace.” [An-Nisa 4:75]
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in Wilayah Egypt
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