General Invitation To Attend the Festival of the Campaign ((وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا)) "And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life" [Ta-Ha: 124] (Translated)
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Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan invites you to attend the festival which it will hold, Allah willing, on Saturday 22/03/2014, at the square across from the Public Hayat Hospital in the neighborhood of Nazal district. The festival will start its activities from four o'clock in the afternoon and continue until Maghrib prayers. The festival is to be held on the occasion of the painful 90th anniversary (according to the…