بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Headline News 12/10/2016
- Anti-India Protests re-start in Kashmir
- Protests in Yemen
- France and War Crimes Probe?
Anti-India Protests re-start in Kashmir
In response to the death of 12 year old Ahmad, Indian administered Kashmir has once again erupted in protest. Whilst Indians argue the boy was part of an anti-India group, onlookers have unanimously agreed that he was a regular boy who was playing on his lawn. Off the back of this incident the Indian army has used tear gas and pellets against ordinary residents and anti-Indian factions have attacked governmental buildings. On the periphery, the Pakistani and Indian governments continue to spur their nationalistic sentiments by using the Kashmiris to score political points. India's control of Kashmir in reality diminishes day by day as Pakistani treachery towards the Kashmiris becomes more obvious.
Protests in Yemen
Thousands of Yemenis took to the street this week in the capital, Sanaa, to protest the ongoing conflict with Saudi Arabia. Nearly three million people have been displaced in this civil war and roughly four out of every five of its 28-million population are in need of some assistance. Yemen has recently seen a great deal of internal conflict between forces loyal to the beleaguered President, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and those allied to Zaidi Shia rebels known formally as Houthis. The recent protests took place primarily due to air strikes that killed more than 140 and injured 500 more on Saturday - many described it as a ‘lake of blood’. Demonstrators gathered outside the UN headquarters demanding an investigation on the strikes. Whilst the UN has condemned the attack, it is still unclear who is behind them. However, the US has recently been put under great pressure for their support of a Saudi-led coalition air campaign that may have been linked to these recent strikes.
France and War Crimes Probe?
France has announced it will ask the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate possible war crimes committed in Syrian city of Aleppo. “We do not agree with what Russia is doing, bombarding Aleppo. France is committed as never before to saving the population of Aleppo," Jean-Marc Ayrault, the French foreign minister, told France's Inter Radio on Monday. While most of the attention has swung towards Russian and Syrian indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas it is nothing new. Since the start of the war the regime has been utilising aerial bombardment not only that but Russia has, since its entry on the scene used the very same tactic. It is nothing but a political move to make this statement. France itself has been accused of multiple war crimes in its former African colonies not only that but its hands are smeared with the blood of the Syrian people from its own indiscriminate bombing campaigns.