بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Headlines 22/10/2016
• US Warship challenges China's claims in South China Sea
• Russia and Syria continue daytime unilateral ceasefires in Aleppo to encourage evacuation while conducting forced displacement operations in Damascus suburbs
• US Defence Secretary Ash Carter meets with Erdogan to plan Turkish involvement in Iraq war
US Warship challenges China's claims in South China Sea
On Friday, America has conducted yet another FONOP (Freedom of Navigation Operation) near the Paracel Islands, challenging increasing Chinese dominance of the South China Sea.
Reuters reports White House spokesman Josh Earnest saying at a news briefing:
"This operation demonstrated that coastal states may not unlawfully restrict the navigation rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the sea that the United States and all states are entitled to exercise under international law."
When will the world realise that America interprets 'international law' as it pleases? The West replaced the noble concept of international custom and tradition with the legalism of 'international law', only to give the appearance of justification for its actions. By playing the role of lawyer, the West has been able to manipulate the concept of international law for its own purposes.
We may be able to accept that, according to present international custom, navigation should remain open in the South China Sea. But what about America's own military aggression? America maintains almost 1000 military bases throughout the world. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, America has intervened militarily in numerous countries within the Muslim world, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria, all in violation of the West's own concepts of international law. American foreign policy proceeds according to American national interests, and the 'legal experts' of international law are always close behind to justify whatever it is that America is doing.
Russia and Syria continue daytime unilateral ceasefires in Aleppo to encourage evacuation while conducting forced displacement operations in Damascus suburbs
Unable to crush the resistance in Aleppo, Russian and Syrian forces have called for Aleppo's evacuation during daytime suspension of bombing of the city.
Reuters reported on Friday that, "Syria's army and Russia have called on residents and rebels in besieged eastern Aleppo to quit the city and depart for other insurgent-held districts under a promise of safe travel", though sources are cited as saying that 'very few rebels or civilians appear to have left'.
According to the same Reuters report, '"The initiative came at the same time as forced displacement operations are being carried out by the Assad regime in (the Damascus suburbs) of al-Mouadamiya, Qudsiya and al-Hama, and before that in Daraya," a joint statement by rebel groups fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army, and the Syrian National Coalition, an opposition political body, said.
By the will of Allah, the world's number two military power, Russia, will fail in Syria just as the number one military power, America, has continuously failed in its wars in the Muslim world.
US Defence Secretary Ash Carter meets with Erdogan to plan Turkish involvement in Iraq war
In accordance with Obama's policy of using multiple agents within the same area in Muslim countries, US Defence Secretary Ash Carter said after his meeting in Turkey on Friday with President Erdogan that he thinks Turkey should participate in the war in Mosul, Iraq.
America has been working to maintain Iraq's north as Kurd, its south as Shia and its west as Sunni, and have each region controlled by separate American agents. With the need to put pressure on the Islamic State group within Iraq, Obama has decided to introduce Turkish Sunni forces into the country instead of depending more on Iraqi Shia government forces.
Regarding the tensions between the Iraqi and Turkish governments over Turkish intervention in Iraq, Ash Carter said before the visit, "Of course we'll talk about that. And yes, of course there are sensitivities there. We conduct ourselves, and the coalition does, respecting Iraqi sovereignty. That's an important principle of ours," Carter said.
In fact, America does not respect the sovereignty of any Muslim country, and introduces new forces and new wars as it pleases. However, America's actions to increase the agents in each area is actually a sign of the West's weakness in maintaining control of Muslim land.
These last political and military efforts cannot prevent the re-establishment of the righteous Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" (Caliphate) upon the method of the Prophethood. The West has already lost the ideological war against Islam, and it will soon lose in the arena of war and politics also.