Tuesday, 11 Ramadan 1446 | 2025/03/11
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"Normalization" with the Jewish entity  Is this what true Muslim leaders are supposed to achieve?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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"Normalization" with the Jewish entity
Is this what true Muslim leaders are supposed to achieve?


Turkey and the Jewish entity came to an agreement... Normalization is beginning... There is a need for normalization... Thus, the Jewish entity and Turkey agreed on the following five subjects. (Although Turkey's authorities claim that a real agreement has not been achieved yet...)

1. Compensation for The Mavi Marmara Flotilla: ‘Israel’ is going to pay Turkey 20 million Dollars for the raid in 2010, where 10 Turkish citizens lost their lives. This money will be transferred to a special fund in order to be paid to the families of those killed or injured.

2. Renewed exchange of ambassadors.

3. Turkey will drop all cases against ‘Israel’. The Turkish parliament will pass a law that will annul all legal claims.

4. Hamas activities in Turkey in general will be limited. The key figure in the military wing of Hamas, Salih al Aruri, who is accused of kidnapping and killing 'one or two' ‘Israeli’ soldiers is to be expelled from Turkey.

5. Turkey will purchase natural gas from ‘Israel’ and will lay a gas pipeline to Europe in order to export gas to Europe.


This agreement was announced only two days after President Erdogan's following statement: "There is a lot to gain from this offer for us, Israel, Palestine and also for the region. The region's needs this. I also don't think the Israeli public is pleased with the current state of relations. There is no need to mention Palestine. This place should not be confined to their personal will. We need to consider the interests of the people of the region and introduce peace as soon as possible to the region."

What will we and Palestine gain from this normalization process?

It will earn us a total of 20 million dollars for 10 of our martyred citizens! 20 million Dollars might be a big gain, considering the twopenny blood of Muslims...

Unfortunately, those daily martyred women, children, elderly and youth in Palestine provide not even a red cent as profit... Moreover, in order to prevent personalization, the money will not be paid to the blood owners, but into a fund.

The people of the Jewish entity are also not pleased with the current situation...

Of course they are not. That's why they raid Masjid Al-Aqsa, defile it, torture little Muslim children they get in their hands; hunt them with dogs, and let their own children beat them up every day. Sometimes they burn our Muslim youth alive. Sometimes they execute our school girls on their way to school in the middle of the street. They demolish the Muslims' homes. They are not content, those poor Jewish people, but the Republic of Turkey is going to please them: Turkey's Grand National Assembly is going to drop the cases against ‘Israel’ with all its means by passing a law. In fact, they should have been satisfied already, for Turkish Republic courts did not even report those 4 Zionist ‘Israeli’ officials to Interpol, despite of having decided a warrant against them, since almost two years. But ‘Israel’ is not to be satisfied with such little bonbons. There is a need for a profound work...

We will ensure peace in the Middle East:

And we will achieve this through limiting activities of Hamas in Turkey. Especially, if we hand that terrorist responsible for the killing of those alleged-innocent ‘Israeli’ soldiers, we will have ensured peace in the Middle East for sure. See! What a nice gain. The Turkish Republic alone is going to succeed in what the whole world has failed through this 'normalization'.

And we will gain from the natural gas agreement:

If Russia transfers natural gas to Europe throughout this whole chaos, it would have to eat its own word. We shall not affront our friend Russia. Let us be the ones who transport ‘Israel's’ natural gas to Europe. Poor so-called Israel, is already in financial trouble, as the Muslims across the world, and in particular in Turkey do not consume any Coca Cola. Let them earn a bit of money. And we as the "non-Cola-drinking" Ummah, can heat with the "Israeli natural gas".

Sorry, did you say something??? Did you say, a Muslim's blood is more worth than 20 million dollars??? And that those who have a say in the Mavi Marmara cases should be the 'BLOOD OWNERS'??? Or that the Mavi Marmara killers have to be punished no matter what comes??? One of the leaders of the Hamas has taken refuge to Turkey, to a Muslim country. Did you say, the Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he does not hand him over to the enemy??? Or that the natural gas that is to be sold by ‘Israel’ is in fact property of the Muslims in the Palestinian land??? What happened to 'Turkey will never be friend with Israel!' (Davutoğlu)??? – So then let us remember this sentence too:

This place should not be confined to their personal will... Here its translation:

"Let us not decide according to our own personal wills."

If there is any true word, then it is this last word!

O Ummah! You can't be believing that those leaders whom you rely on, whom you gave your votes, for whom you once put on your shrouds, are still representing the interests of the Muslims, or that what you desire deep in your hearts?! Can you really believe that they are preparing the environment where you will be prosperous and dignified, and where you can live your worship, and Islamic values in safety? Can your really still believe that they are working to prepare the system that will take the Muslims of Al-Aqsa and the whole world under its wings? If those leaders, of whom you say they are secretly preparing the Khilafah "Caliphate", were really honest, would they not scruple in playing such a game? By Allah they are foxing you! The only ones whom they do not want to fool, are the owners of the system who gave them their seats. They calculated, weighed up, they decided...

((إِنَّهُ فَكَّرَ وَقَدَّرَ * فَقُتِلَ كَيْفَ قَدَّرَ * ثُمَّ قُتِلَ كَيْفَ قَدَّرَ))

“Indeed, he thought and deliberated. So may he be destroyed [for] how he deliberated. Then may he be destroyed [for] how he deliberated.” [Al-Muddaththir 18-20]

And here there are those true leaders who do not fool you, who stay to their word, despite all kinds of threats and attacks... Leaders, whose word do not differ or conflict in the slightest from their word on the first day, during 52 years, and today... True leaders, who struggle day and night, meet all challenges and even face martyrdom in order to bring you the status you deserve, the status you deserve long since... Those leaders exist within Hizb ut Tahrir!!! It is Hizb ut Tahrir who works openly and with straightness, hand in hand with the Ummah, in order to establish the true Khilafah "Caliphate", the second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah upon the Method of Prophethood!!!

((أَفَلَا تُبْصِرُونَ))

“Then will you not see?” [Adh-Dhariyat 21]

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Zehra Malik

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