بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Secular system and its liberal values have failed miserably to secure respect for women in Pakistan, as it has in other states across the world. And yet it continues to be deceivingly promoted by Western governments and those in Pakistan
CMO: Women's Section
"Liberalism's Failure to Secure Respect for Women in Pakistan"
The Secular system and its liberal values have failed miserably to secure respect for women in Pakistan, as it has in other states across the world. And yet it continues to be deceivingly promoted by Western governments and those in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world as the best system to guarantee the dignity and rights of women. This video highlights liberalism's failure to deliver for women what it promised and addresses how it is Islam alone that holds the values and laws that can establish respect for women and secure their rights within a state.
September 2016 CE