بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hizb ut Tahrir/ Malaysia: Hizb ut Tahrir Convoy to Introduce Liwaa' and Rayah in Manjung, Perak
On 31 August 2019, Hizb ut Tahrir / Malaysia (HTM) branch Manjung carried out a convoy activity to introduce the Liwaa' and Rayah with the theme "The True Independence Is Follow Laws of Allah S.W.T Completely" around Bagan Dato, Perak. The convoy, which included 18 members and supporters of HTM, was aimed at introducing Rasulullah's (saw) flag and banner to the Muslims.
The convoy departed from the Masjid Sungai Nipah to Bagan Datoh town before conducting street preaching and distribution of leaflets. The activity attracted the attention of the general public who are near. Some of the Muslims also took the opportunity to photograph with the convoy and vehicles, complete with flags and the banners of the Rasulullah (saw).
The flag (al-Liwaa') represents the tauhid word with white background, while the flag (ar-Rayah) represents the tauhid word with a black background. Narrated from Ibn Abbas who said, “That the banner of the Nabi (saw) was in black, while his flag was white”. Other narratives of Ibn Abbas according to Abi Sheikh with pronouncement, “That on the flag of Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. It is written 'La ilaha Illallah, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah.'”
The Delegate of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Malaysia
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