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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Western Civilization is on the Verge of Collapse and Destruction
Abdul Khaliq Abdoun Ali
Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan
Al-Waie Magazine Issue 460-461
Thirty-ninth year
Jumada I - Jumada II 1446 AH corresponding to December - January 2025 CE

The end of Western civilization has begun, and its decline is in full swing. The time has come for its sun to set and its glory to fade. It is waiting for the drums to beat, announcing its funeral. That civilization has destroyed all its values. It is now in an abyss at a depth that humanity did not reach throughout its history, with respect to moral decadence as well as behavioral and spiritual bankruptcy.

Anyone who contemplates the reality of Western civilization and its values will see that the reality contradicts what is being promoted, which is that the West is at the pinnacle of moral sophistication. However, in reality, the stench of its wretched values and morals, which is now spreading throughout all aspects of Western societies, is not hidden from anyone with two eyes and a sound nature.

Western societies suffer from unparalleled moral decline and degradation of deeds, which even animals would be above committing, including homosexuality, incest, family disintegration, feeding sexual desire through fleeting unfaithful relationships that lead to marital infidelity, high rates of divorce, unmarried pregnancies, abortions, and reluctance to marry and have children. All this has made their societies suffer from old age and decrepitude.

Perhaps the most honest person who spoke about the imminent collapse and downfall of Western civilization was Sayyid Qutb, may Allah (swt) have mercy on him. Among what he said was, “Today, humanity stands on the edge of the abyss. This is not because of the threat of annihilation hanging over its head, for this is a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself. It is because of its bankruptcy in the world of “values,” in whose shade human life can grow healthy and advance properly. This is clear today and glaring clear in the Western world. It no longer has anything to give to humanity in terms of “values.” It longer has anything to convince its conscience of its worthiness to exist.” He also added, “The leadership of the Western system over humanity is about to disappear.

This is not because Western civilization has gone bankrupt financially, or has weakened in terms of economic and military power. It is because the Western system has ended its role because it no longer possesses a balance of “values” that allows it to lead. There must be a leadership that possesses the ability to maintain and develop the material civilization that humanity has reached, through European genius in material creativity, and provides humanity with new and complete values, compared to what humanity has now come to know. There must a leadership with an authentic, positive and realistic approach at the same time. Islam alone possesses these values and this approach. This is the only golden and historical opportunity before the Ummah, so it awakens from its slumber and returns to its glory and leadership of nations. This will not happen except by enforcing the Shariah, which guarantees the preservation of noble morals and protects us from the toxins of Western society, its heinous practices, moral decadence, the flagrant exploitation of the wealth and resources that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us, yet are currently being plundered.”

Ustadh Saad Al-Qahtani said, “The Western order presented itself as a guardian of human values, a messenger of security and peace, and a herald of an earthly paradise, confined to our visible world. Then it began its miserable leadership era with two world wars that almost destroyed the wilderness. In these two wars alone, more than seventy million people perished. Slaughtering this number of lives requires weapons that are more deadly and effective than conventional weapons. Therefore, the Western order directed its creativity to inventing weapons of mass destruction, extermination and annihilation. So it created its atomic weapon, capable of annihilating tens of thousands of people in a single moment. After testing the atomic bomb in the emptiness of the New Mexico desert, it was time to test it on the heads of people. So it was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. More than seventy thousand people were killed at the moment of its explosion. Then its sister-city followed, with the slaughter of tens of thousands of residents of the city of Nagasaki. Many of those who were destined to escape immediate death, died soon afterward from burns, cancer, or radiation poisoning.

The effects of this tragedy remained for many years, and the residents of the two cities suffered from all of this.

The Western order proved its efficiency in destruction and killing. It killed more than two hundred thousand people with a single weapon.”

Al-Qahtani added, “What removes the cosmetics from the face of Western civilization and exposes the falseness of its humanity is looking at their treatment of people belonging to a nation, or civilization, other than the civilization of the white man. We will point out one of the hideous cases, that express the violation of human values, which is the crime of trafficking in African people.

Among the models whose effects are still alive, and whose stigma does not leave the Western civilization, and cannot be erased from the memory of their black history... Slave Trade... The empires of Western countries would not have had an explosion in their industrial revolution without an abundance of labor. The Europeans did not find anyone more suitable than the hands of Africans to move the wheel of industrial production, and build the new Western world. So the European countries established centers for hunting Africans on the African coasts. The civilized Western civilization did not face any difficulty in hunting its prey from the primitive Africans, thanks to its firearms. The need to own huge numbers of slaves was urgent, as the colonies of the colonialist states increased. This was in order to secure them with labor. As a result, the slave trade flourished. The wealth of the owners of industrial projects reached obscene levels. Production doubled at the expense of draining the African continent, emptying it of its population and its resources of raw materials. Some studies indicate that the number of those deported from the old continent reached one hundred million Africans...

The slave trade became an international trade. This trade was known as the triangular trade. Goods and commodities were transported from Europe to Africa, where these goods were then exchanged for slaves who were shipped to America and Europe. There the slaves were exchanged for goods to be transported again, and returned to Europe. Only one out of every five deported to America escaped death, while the rest died due to violence, murder, disease and hunger.”

Moral Decline, Depravity and Degradation:

If a writer wanted to investigate the crimes of the West against humanity, he would have written huge volumes about them. Therefore, we will move to another aspect of moral decline under the leadership of the white man. This aspect is moral decline and degradation.

Western civilization has testified to itself that it is unable to achieve moral advancement, since it declared the centrality of man and his separation from divine revelation. This is because every attempt to establish a moral system isolated from religion is like building edifices on sand. It is also because morality can only be built on religion.

In Western civilization, man has become the standard for himself. One person may approve of what others find abhorrent. The opposite may also happen. This is termed moral relativism, meaning that morality has lost its objectivity. Just so that our discussion is not abstract or theoretical, let us take this real example. Imagine that homosexuality, which is the ugly moral vice that corrupts the human species, cannot be declared abhorrent by the Western man who has some remnants of a sound nature. In America, an American young man was sentenced to sixteen years in prison simply because he burned the LGBT flag. The court sentenced him to fifteen years in prison for insulting LGBT, and one year for his reckless use of fire.

In 2015, the US Supreme Court issued a historic ruling granting LGBT the right to marry in all US states, which means a man marries a man, and a woman marries a woman. The comment of the President of the most powerful country in modern times, who at that time was Barack Obama, was, “And this ruling is a victory for America... love is love.” Imagine!!! Imagine that this rebellion against nature, and deviation from the behavior of normal humans has become a legitimate act, for which victory is extolled, and those who sacrificed for it are glorified!!!

Now for an account of America’s crimes:

When the Europeans first came to what is now known as the United States, there were already about 120 million “Red Indians,” the indigenous inhabitants. However, deliberate spreading of diseases, and powerful liquors, and nearly 300 years of continuous wars, massacres carried out by European settlers, decimated them and their animal, the buffalo, and confiscated their lands. Their extermination extended until 1900, 120 years after independence. The heavily armed terrorist American army participated in the massacres against the primitive tribes whose only crime was that they were backward and primitive. The Americans cheapened their blood, and exterminated them, leaving only 338,000 of them. The first American presidents emerged because of their crimes and oppression of the “Red Indians” [Native Americans]. The more the generals increased oppression of the Red Indians, the more times the Americans elected him as president. It reached the point where the Americans began to boast about this bloody brutality.

William Bradford, the governor of the Plymouth Colony, justified the crimes of the settlers. He wrote in “Of Plymouth Plantation,” “And also those which should escape or overcome these difficulties should yet be in continual danger of the savage people, who are cruel, barbarous, and most treacherous, being most furious in their rage, and merciless where they overcome.” Governor William Bradford of Plymouth Colony reported that one Indian village up the Connecticut River had suffered “such a mortality that of a 1000, above 900 and a half of them died, and many of them did rot above ground for want of a burial.” Dean Snow’s researches into the epidemic provide confirmation of a 95 percent depopulation. The Puritan Increase Mather, an outspoken clergyman and one of the first presidents of Harvard College, wrote this of the outbreak, “The Indians began to be quarrelsome concerning the bounds of the land they had sold to the English; but God ended the controversy by sending the smallpox amongst the Indians at Saugust, who were before that time exceeding numerous. Whole towns of them were swept away, in some of them not so much as one soul escaping the destruction.”

Given the Americans’ need for forced labor to exploit the wealth, they usurped from the “Red Indian”; they changed part of their strategy of killing by exterminating them through the forced labor system for the indigenous tribe. In 1846 CE, the American armies occupied California, and according to statistics, they were able to exterminate 80% of the Californian “Red Indians” through forced labor. In addition to that, the trade in children and women was active. In 1830, the US Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, giving the American colonialist the right to expel the Indian from their land, and kill them if wanted.

From that day, the US regular army forces culled the remaining five “Red Indian” peoples, Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Creek, and Seminole, after forcibly removing them to cholera-infested areas. In the 1776 campaign against the Cherokee Indians, their towns were burned, the crops were destroyed, and those who remained were displaced into the forests to be killed. Three years later, George Washington ordered the soldiers to turn the homes of the Iroquois Indians into ruins and wipe them off the face of the earth. That is why the Seneca Indians called the father of the American Republic, George Washington, “Town Destroyer (Conotocaurius (Seneca: Hanödaga꞉nyas)).” Under his orders, 28 of the 30 Seneca towns were completely destroyed, from the Great Lakes north to the Mohawk River, in a record period of no more than five years. This was also done with the Mohawk, Onondaga, and Cayuga towns. In 1790, the Seneca chief Corn Planter told President Washington, “When your army entered the country of the Six Nations, we called you Town Destroyer and to this day when your name is heard our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to the necks of their mothers.”

All the founding fathers followed in George Washington’s footsteps. Even Thomas Jefferson, known as the apostle of American freedom and the author of the Declaration of Independence, ordered confronting the “Red Indians.” In 1807, Jefferson told his Secretary of War, General Henry Dearborn, who was the primary government official responsible for Indian affairs, “if we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down until that tribe is exterminated, or driven beyond the Mississippi... in war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy them all.”

In 1633, the indigenous tribes were subjected to a smallpox war, as the Americans presented them with gifts poisoned with smallpox germs. When the “Red Indians” tried Captain John Oldham for mass murder and executed him, America took revenge by exterminating the indigenous tribes in 1637 with germ warfare.

In 1763, an infamous document proving the Americans intentional use of germ weapons appeared. The English commander-in-chief, Lord Jeffrey Amherst, wrote to the Swiss mercenary, Henry Bouquet, on 23 June 1763, “Could it not be contrived to send the smallpox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? ...We must, on this occasion, use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.”

Bouquet replied on 13 July 176, “I will try to inoculate the bastards with some blankets that may fall into their hands, and take care not to get the disease myself.” Amherst responded on 13 July, “You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians by means of blankets, as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this execrable race.” “The blankets had been gathered from a military infirmary in St. Louis, where troops infected with the disease were quarantined,” Ward L. Churchill wrote in his 1997 book “A Little Matter of Genocide.”

With blankets and handkerchiefs contaminated in the smallpox hospital, the epidemic spread among four indigenous peoples, including the Ottawa, and claimed the lives of more than one hundred thousand children, elderly, women, and young men. The Amherst document has long been described as the “Rosetta Stone” of germ warfare.

There is a document that speaks of the gifting of blankets poisoned with smallpox to the Mandan Indians near Fort Clark. These blankets were delivered to their victims on June 20, 1837, and in less than a year they also claimed one hundred thousand children, elderly men and women, and young men. This is the most modest estimate of the number of victims.

After about fifteen years, the entire United States was wondering about the best way to eliminate the Californian Indians. With the seizure of this vast state from Mexico, America found itself facing a new mission. In the article, “Exciting News from Tehama – Indian Thefts- Terrible Vengeance of the Whites” the San Francisco Daily Alta of March 6, 1853, (page 2, column 3), described the slaughter of Red Indians, stating, “The Indians have committed so many depredations in the North, of late, that the people are enraged against them, and are ready to knife them, shoot them, or inoculate them with smallpox- all of which have been done.” It is also mentioned in in Robert F. Heizer’ book entitled, “The Destruction of the Californian Indians” p. 251.

At that time, poisoning Indians with smallpox germs was an organized plan practiced by states and some specialized commercial companies. The settlers practiced this themselves, with an editorial in the San Francisco Bulletin, praising the using of germs for the absolute extermination of the indigenous. The inflammatory editorial was published on July 10, 1860. In Heizer’s book on the “Destruction of the Indians” (pp. 253-255), it describes the view of the settlers that the extermination of the Red Indians was a necessary solution to prevent the contamination of the white race. They saw that hunting them and hunting the beasts in the forests is a moral mission necessary for the white man to remain truly in the image of God.

In the same context, Francis Parkman, Jr, the most famous American historian of his time, claimed in his book, “The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada”, that the indigenous peoples brought their eradication upon themselves, arguing that, “Races of inferior energy have possessed a power of expansion and assimilation to which he is a stranger; and it is this fixed and rigid quality which has proved his ruin. He will not learn the arts of civilization, and he and his forest must perish together.” The colonialist authorities offered a reward for anyone who killed an Indian and brought his head. Then they were satisfied with skinning the scalp, except on some occasions when they wanted to confirm the identity of the victim.
The Arab Historian Munir Al-Akkash has calculated the number of victims of American massacres around the world at 112 million people.

Then there are Britain’s crimes:

Shashi Tharoor, the Indian writer and diplomat, said that the British Empire committed brutal acts throughout its history, drained the countries it occupied and financed its industrial revolution by plundering the wealth of the peoples it ruled with an iron fist, according to what was reported by the British newspaper, “The Independent.”

The newspaper listed five brutal crimes that it said were the most prominent crimes committed by the British Empire throughout its history.

1- During the Second Boer War, which lasted from 1899 to 1902, the British rounded up about a sixth of the Boer population, most of whom were women and children, and detained them in a camp that was overcrowded. Out of a total of 107,000 people who entered the camp, 27,927 died, along with an unknown number of black Africans, due to diseases and epidemics.

2- When peaceful demonstrators defied a government order and demonstrated against British colonial rule in Amritsar, India, on April 13, 1919, Gurkha soldiers locked them inside Jallianwala Bagh and shot them. The soldiers were receiving orders from Brigadier Reginald Dyer, who gave the order to shoot the demonstrators. The soldiers continued to shoot the demonstrators for ten continuous minutes, killing between 379 and 1,000 demonstrators and wounding more than a thousand others. Later, British public opinion recognized Brigadier Reginald Dyer as a hero, and he collected 25 thousand pounds sterling in recognition of his merit.

3- In 1947, Cyril Radcliffe was tasked with demarcating the border between India and the emerging state of Pakistan. After Radcliffe divided the Indian continent on religious grounds, about ten million people, Hindus in Pakistan and Muslims in India, were forced to flee their homes because the situation quickly descended into violence. Some estimates say that nearly a million people were killed in sectarian clashes.

4- Thousands of elderly Kenyans claimed that British colonial forces mistreated, raped and tortured them during the Mau Mau rebellion in the period between 1951 to 1960, and filed a compensation claim of 200 million pounds sterling against the British government.

British forces detained members of the Kikuyu tribe in camps described as “British concentration camps” or detention camps. Members of the tribe claimed that they were subjected to systematic torture and suffered serious sexual abuse at the hands of British forces. Historian David Anderson estimates the number of Kenyans killed at 20,000, while Caroline Elkins’ 2005 study, “Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya” estimates more than a hundred thousand dead.

5- Between twelve and twenty-nine million Indians died of famine during the rule of the British Empire, which sent millions of tons of wheat from India to Great Britain as the famine in India raged.

Winston Churchill said about Indians in 1942, during negotiations with separatists in Delhi, on 9 September, “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” In 1943, nearly four million Bangladeshis died of starvation, when Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, diverted food to British soldiers and countries such as Greece while a deadly famine swept through Bengal. Arthur Herman wrote in “Gandhi & Churchill” that Secretary of State for India Leo Amery, “at first took a lofty Malthusian view of the crisis, arguing that India was ‘overpopulated’ and that the best strategy was to do nothing." He adds, “For his part, Churchill proved callously indifferent... [He was] resolutely opposed to any food shipments... Besides, Churchill felt it would do no good. Famine or no famine, Indians will ‘breed like rabbits.’ Amery prevailed on him to send some relief, albeit only a quarter what was needed.”

As for France, its history is a history of colonization, plunder, genocide, slavery and censored facts:
The memory of history still bears witness to France’s colonial practices that extend to this day. During that dark ages in Europe’s human history, France exploited peoples, plundered their wealth, and committed massacres against them, in addition to its involvement in the slave trade. After launching its colonial activities in 1524 CE, France established its colonialist rule in twenty countries between North and West Africa. Over the course of nearly three centuries, 35% of the continent’s regions were subject to French colonial control. France used African countries, such as Senegal, Ivory Coast and Benin, as centers for the slave trade, in addition to exploiting and plundering the countries' resources. The French colonial period in various African regions lasted for about five centuries. France used bloody repression. Following World War II, popular protests erupted in the French colonies, rejecting colonialism and demanding independence. Paris responded by using military force, killing more than two million African citizens. It also used violence against protests in African countries that received promises from Paris to grant them independence on condition that they fight alongside France in the wars it fought in many regions.

France continued to use violence and bloody force systematically in Algeria, until the Arab country gained its independence in 1962 CE, after a 132-year colonization. One million Algerian citizens fell victim to French’s evil practice, during their participation in the war against colonialism to gain independence. During this period, France practiced cultural genocide against Algerian society since 1830 CE, and worked to eliminate the Algerian identity and Ottoman monuments which date back 300 years.

France also committed major human rights violations in countries where it had political influence. The most prominent example is the genocide against the Tutsi ethnic group in Rwanda in 1994 CE, which is one of the largest genocides in history as it killed nearly 800,000 people. It later became clear that Paris played a major role in the occurrence of this genocide, as French abandoned the scene of the crime, before the news broke, despite receiving information about what would happen. In fact, international reports indicated that French soldiers actually participated in supporting the perpetrators of the massacres in Rwanda. Instead of seeking to prevent mass massacres in Rwanda, France provided weapons and logistical support to the Hutu government. This led to lawsuits being filed against Paris until even now. Moreover, France imposed a ban on access to the archives documenting these crimes. In September 2017, the French Supreme Constitutional Court rejected a request submitted by a researcher conducting research on the Rwandan massacres to access documents related to the period of those massacres, which are in the archives of the presidency of the republic.

In conclusion, the history of American and European colonialism is a history full of control, exploitation, and encroachment on people, the commission of the worst types of massacres, war-mongering and death. Such a miserable civilization was a disaster for its people as well, and it must disappear.

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