Monday, 26 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 | 2024/06/03
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The Former President Calls for Dialogue with the Current President

On 22/2/2019, the Social Democratic Party led by former President Atambayev held a press conference. What emerged during the meeting, and the main point put forward was a call for a compromise on power with the current president. Arina Karamushka, a member of the Social Democratic Party said in the conference that the former president tried to reconcile with the current president.

The Tension between the Current and Former Presidents has become a Clear Political and Media Conflict The Kyrgyz Elite Chose the Current President

In last year's presidential election, former Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev nominated Sooronbay Jeenbekov on behalf of the Social Democratic Party. Jeenbekov was a close friend of Atambayev when he worked for almost a year as prime minister until he became president.

Moderate Islam is an ambitious project of the global Kufr system Harmful consequences for Islam and Muslims from this project

The capitalist ideology of the Kufr based democracy suffered defeat in the fight against the Islamic ideology. Former US president Barak Obama, speaking at the Congress in early 2010, declared a new strategy that the United States will no longer endanger its soldiers in Muslim countries.
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