Media Office
H. 12 Jumada I 1445 | No: H.T.L. 1445 / 08 |
M. Sunday, 26 November 2023 |
Press Release
The Women’s Section of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Lebanon
Held a Seminar within the Framework of the Women’s Global Day of Action for Palestine
Today, Sunday, the Women’s Section of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Lebanon held a seminar in the capital, Beirut, within the framework of the Women’s Global Day of Action for Palestine, to call on the Muslim armies to save the women and children of Gaza and liberate the entire Blessed Land of Palestine, in the presence of women attendees.
The seminar began with the recitation of verses from the noble Qur’an from Surat Muhammad. This was followed by a speech by Sister Rana Mustafa, Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, on behalf of Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Director of the Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, entitled: “Only the Entire Liberation of Palestine by the Muslim Armies Can END the Genocide!” The speech highlighted the Ummah’s capabilities and resources that enable its armies to move to liberate Palestine, and that this is impossible to take place under the current regimes. Rather, there must be a guardian who people fight from behind, loyal to his Ummah and keen on its interests. The speech also addressed the armies to take action and save our people in Gaza.
Loud takbirs and chants in support of Gaza and its people followed the speech. A video was shown afterwards, entitled: “Gaza is Under Fire. Move, O Armies, So That You Gain the Honour and Erase the Shame.”
The second speech was delivered by Sister Ihsan Muhammad entitled: “Are You Still in Your Barracks?” in which she sent four messages: The first was for the scholars of the sultans (government) to fear Allah, to fear Him, and to stop failing the Muslims. The second was for the rulers.
The third was for the armies to take their role in defending the people of Palestine. As for the fourth message, it was for women regarding the importance of their role and the importance of speaking the sincere, effective word of truth. She concluded her speech with practical recommendations for those present to carry the call and incite the armies and to not despair in Allah’s victory. The speech was then followed by chants and a video calling the Ummah's soldiers.
The third and final speech, was delivered by Sister Reem Mohsin, entitled: “Pain and Hope!”, in which she spoke about the hopes that were generated as a result of the Gaza War: which included the failure of Western plans to break up the Ummah and erasing the issue of Palestine from memory, and also included people embracing Islam after seeing the steadfastness of Gaza and its people.
The seminar was concluded by a supplication by Sister Khadija Akash, in which she asked Allah (swt) for acceptance and success, to remove the sin of our negligence towards the people of Gaza, to open the hearts of the armies and strengthen them in jihad for the sake of Allah, and to grant us the Khilafah (Caliphate) state on the method of the Prophethood.
The seminar ended with several interviews with the speakers and attendees about the solution for the Gaza issue.
The Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Lebanon
- Parts from the Seminar held in Beirut, within the framework of the "Women’s Global Day of Action for Palestine" organized by the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir -
Talk entitled: “Only the Entire Liberation of Palestine by the Muslim Armies Can END the Genocide!”
Given by Sister Rana Mustafa on behalf of Dr. Nazreen Nawaz
Talk entitled: “Are You Still in Your Barracks?”
by Sister Ihsan Muhammad
Talk entitled: “Pain and Hope!”
by Sister Reem Mohsin
Hizb-ut Tahrir: Media office Lebanon |
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