Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Campaign
No Solution for Kashmir Except by Mobilizing Muslim Armies to Liberate it

The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir launched a Campaign entitled:
"No Solution for Kashmir Except by Mobilizing Muslim Armies to Liberate it"
It invokes the armies of Muslims to liberate Kashmir and the rest of the occupied Muslim lands.
After the rulers of Pakistan abandoned the option of liberating Kashmir by jihad and armed struggle, and after they lifted their hands from supporting the resistance in Kashmir, and after pursuing the resistance as terrorism, India was assured from the Pakistani side. Had the rulers of Pakistan been faithful and loyal to Kashmir, India would not have dared to take such a decision, just as it did with the Arab rulers and the ringleaders who bowed their heads in front of the criminal Jewish entity in betraying Islam and the Muslims to abandon the vital issues of the Muslims!
In contrast to the positions of the rulers in Pakistan, the people of Kashmir, along with the people of Pakistan, including loyal members of the armed forces in Pakistan, reject India's occupation of Kashmir, and are motivated to jihad for the sake of Allah Almighty to liberate Kashmir and annexation to Pakistan, especially as they are fully convinced of their ability to liberate them. Had it not been for the treason and betrayal of the rulers of Pakistan, Kashmir would have been liberated. The Kashmiri crisis is a complete leadership crisis that should lead the crowds and soldiers in the battle of liberation, and here it is confirmed that it is necessary to work to establish the second rightly guided Khilafah (Caliphate) upon the method of the Prophethood in Pakistan, in order to lead the rightly guided Khaleefah's army not only for the liberation of Kashmir, but for bringing all of India under the rule of the Qur'an and the Sunnah as it was centuries ago, for this let the workers work to accomplish this.
Friday, 08 Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 AH - 09 August 2019 CE

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Video Message from Eng. Salah Eddine Adadah (Abu Mohammad)
Director of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Announcing the launch of the widespread campaign from the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir titled, “No Solution for Kashmir Except by Mobilizing Muslim Armies to Liberate it” to seek the support of the Muslim Armies to liberate Kashmir and all of the occupied Muslim lands.
Friday, 08 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH corresponding to 09 August 2019 CE

Address by Dr Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
“No Solution for Kashmir Except by Mobilising Muslim Armies to Liberate it”

Follow Campaign on Facebook in Arabic

KhilafahLiberatesKashmir# |
#الخلافة_تحرر_كشمير |
#KeşmiriHilafetKurtaracak |

Saturday, 28 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 AH corresponding to 07 August 2021 CE

Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir:
Timeline of the History of Kashmir and its Occupation by India
Click to open image!
more info click here

Wilayah Pakistan |
Had Pak-Saudi Military Maneuvers Eliminated the Jewish Occupation of the First Qibla and the Hindu State Occupation of Kashmir, They Would Have Been Truly Worthy of Mention
11 Jumadah al-Awwal 1443 AH - 15 December 2021 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Occupied Kashmir Will Only be Liberated by Military Officers who Answer the Command of Allah (swt) to Fight
28 Dhu al Hijjah 1442 AH - 07 August 2021 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
By Pursuing Provincial Status for Gilgit-Baltistan, the Bajwa-Imran Regime Surrenders Occupied Kashmir to the Hindu State
15 Rabi' al-Awwal 1442 AH - 01 November 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Hindu State Establishes Settler Colonies in Occupied Kashmir, whilst the Bajwa-Imran Regime Supports it By Refusing to Mobilize Pakistan’s Armed Forces in Response
11 Rabi' al-Awwal 1442 AH - 28 October 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Rulers Are Surrendering Occupied Kashmir to the Hindu State, So Where are the Men of Truth Who Will Foil their Treacherous Plan?
18 October 1442 AH - 18 October 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Muslims of Pakistan Reject the Betrayal of the Kashmir Cause by Making Gilgit-Baltistan a Province
19 Safar 1442 AH - 26 September 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Making Gilgit-Baltistan into a Province is Treachery against Occupied Kashmir, Strengthening Modi’s Grip
06 Safar 1442 AH - 23 Septemeber 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Modi Changes Kashmir’s Demography by Force, Yet the Bajwa-Imran Regime Restrains Pakistan’s Armed Forces in Blind Obedience to the United States
15 Muharram 1442 AH - 03 September 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Only the Khilafah will Mobilize Pakistan’s Armed Forces for the Liberation of Occupied Kashmir
05 Muharram 1442 AH - 24 August 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Where is Today’s Muhammad bin Qasim, Mobilizing an Army upon the Cries of Naseema Bano and her Oppressed Muslim Sisters in Occupied Kashmir?!
27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 17 August 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Bent on Avoiding Practical Steps to Liberate Kashmir, the Bajwa-Imran Regime Betrays the Muslims through Token Measures
19 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 09 August 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Pouring Salt on Our Wounds and Insulting Our Armed Forces, the Lowly Bajwa-Imran Regime Releases a Song on the First Anniversary of the Forceful Annexation of Occupied Kashmir
14 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 04 August 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
How Long Will Hollow Condemnations and Rhetoric be Employed Against Flagrant and Mounting Indian Provocations?
09 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 30 July 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Hiding their Hypocrisy by Praising the Martyrs of Kashmir, Pakistan’s Rulers Open the Wagah Border to Bolster Indian Regional Influence
23 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 14 July 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
If now is not the time, then when? If not the Khilafah, then what? The Bajwa-Imran Regime Surrenders Occupied Kashmir to the Hindu State on US Dictation Practically, without Public Admission
20 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 11 July 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Occupied Kashmir Awaits a Khaleefah Rashid who Will Respond to its Children’s Cries, with Military Troops Marching for its Liberation
11 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 02 July 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Absence of Military Response by the Bajwa-Imran Regime to Modi’s Annexation of Kashmir, Emboldened the Hindu State in its Ambition for Regional Hegemony
04 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 25 June 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
A Khaleefah Rashid Would Open a Second Front against the Hindu State to Liberate Occupied Kashmir
27 Shawwal 1441 AH - 18 June 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Whilst the Kuffar Weaken Themselves through Mutual Conflict, Establish the Khilafah to Liberate Kashmir and Masjid Al-Aqsa
26 Shawwal 1441 AH - 17 June 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Mere Threats Instead of Military Action Strengthen the Hindu State in Enmity. Only the Khilafah will Force our Enemies to Retreat
13 Shawwal 1441 AH - 04 June 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Let Our Nuclear Weapons be the Deterrence to Secure Our Mainland, whilst the Lions of Our Armed Forces Liberate Occupied Kashmir from the Lowly Hindu State
06 Shawwal 1441 AH - 28 May 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Terrorist Indian Military is Killing Kashmiri Mujahedeen Leaders, Whilst the Bajwa-Imran Regime Helps in its Atrocities through its Refusal to Mobilize Pakistan’s Armed Forces in Support of Kashmiri Muslims
14 Ramadhan 1441 AH - 07 May 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Hindu State Severs our Jugular Vein, Whilst the Bajwa-Imran Regime Appeals to Hostile Colonialist States, Instead of Mobilizing our Armed Forces to Liberate Occupied Kashmir
10 Sha'aban 1441 AH - 03 April 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Trump's Support for the Hindu State and his Open Declaration of Hostility against Islam and Muslims Confirms once again the Harm which the Alliance with the US brings to Pakistan
01 Rajab 1441 AH - 25 February 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Muslims of Kashmir are in Need of the Pakistan Armed Forces Marching over the Line of Control, Not Toothless Resolution
11 Jumadah 1441 AH - 05 February 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Befitting Manner of Observing Kashmir Solidarity Day Would be the Raising of the Flag of the Khilafah in Srinagar, by the Lions of Pakistan’s Armed Forces
23 Jamadah I 1441 AH - 18 January 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Rulers that Submit to Colonialist Loans, Treaties and Demands, will Never Ensure Security for Muslim Lands
22 Jamadah I 1441 AH - 17 January 2020 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Surrendering Occupied Kashmir to the Enemy by Committing to Defend Azad Kashmir Alone is a Grave Sin and Treachery
27 Rabi al-Awwal 1441 - 24 December 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Unlike Democracy, the Khilafah Alone Produces Worthy Generals like Khalid bin Walid (ra) and Upright Judges like Shuraih
23 Rabii' al-Akhir 1441 AH - 20 December 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Any Military or Political Ruler Who Embraces American Slavery, Maintaining Pakistan’s Destructive Alliance with America, is a Traitor against Our Deen, Our Ummah and Our Armed Forces
21 Rabii' al-Akhir 1441 AH - 18 December 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Discriminatory Law to Deprive Muslims of Indian Citizenship following the Forceful Annexation of Kashmir by Modi is the Direct Outcome of the Cowardice of the Bajwa-Imran Regime
19 Rabii' al-Akhir 1441 AH - 16 December 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
It is the Tenure of the Oppressive Democratic System, not that of the Army Chief in itself, that Ensures our Ruin
1 Rabii' Al-Awwal 1441 AH - 27 November 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Bajwa-Imran Regime Sells its Akhirah for Loans from China, by Adopting Silence over the Oppression of the Uighur Muslims
24 Rabii' Al Awwal 1441 AH - 21 November 2019 CE |
Wilayah Bangladesh |
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Bangladesh organized Demonstrations and Marches -
Protesting the Indian Hindutva Aggression in building the “Ram Temple” replacing the Babri Mosque and the Submissiveness of the Hasina Regime in the Face of this Aggression
18 Rabii' Al Awwal 1441 AH - 15 November 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Democratic Politics is Only About Factional In-Fighting Democracy’s Stinking Corpse Cannot Be Revived by Infusions of Protests and Marches
3 Rabii' al Awwal 1441 AH -31 October 2019 CE
Britain |
Hizb ut Tahrir / Britain Conference Clarifies the True Reality and Exposes Myths about Kashmir
29 Rabii' Al Awwal 1441 AH - 28 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
“Jihad (Fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it” [Surah al-Baqara 2:216]
Imran Khan’s Reluctance in Mobilizing the Army to liberate Kashmir, Complies with the Agenda of Trump, Modi and General Rawat
28 Safar 1441 AH - 27 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Agreement with India for Opening of Kartarpur Corridor is a Betrayal of the Muslims of Occupied Kashmir
26 Safar 1441 AH - 25 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
After Forceful Military Occupation in Occupied Kashmir, Modi Announces Water Aggression, yet the ‘War-is-not-an-Option’ Regime is Begging Modi like a Scared Sheep Bleating in the Jaws of a Hungry Wolf
19 Safar 1441 AH - 18 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Reject the Divisive Nationalism that Prevented Military Response to the Cries of the Muslims of Kashmir
18 Safar 1441 AH - 17 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Are Muslim Armies only to be Exploited in Support of US Projects and Agents? Is it Not Time to Launch them in the Path of Allah (swt) to Liberate Al-Aqsa and Kashmir?
13 Safar 1441 AH - 12 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Muslims of Azad Kashmir have been Warned on Crossing the Line of Control!
The Bajwa-Imran Regime Belittles the Religious sentiments of Muslims
06 Safar 1441 AH - 05 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Restore Our Shield, the Khilafah, so that Our Armed Forces Finally Raise Takbeeraat of Victory in Srinagar and Al-Aqsa
05 Safar 1441 AH - 04 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
By Inviting Manmohan Singh to Kartarupur Border’s Opening Ceremony, the Bajwa-Imran Regime Proves Again that Alliance with Trump and Modi is Above All Else
03 Safar 1441 AH - 02 October 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Occupied Kashmir Demands Liberation by Our Armed Forces, not Appeals to the Colonialist Tool, the UN, that has Always Ensured Our Oppression
29 Muharram 1441 AH - 28 September 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
United States Heaps Praise upon Imran Khan for Rejecting All Fighting Against the Raja Dahir of our Time, Modi
21 Muharram 1441 AH - 20 September 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Joint Military Exercises with the Hindu State is Betrayal of the Oppressed Muslims of Occupied Kashmir
19 Muharram 1441 AH - 18 September 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Fulfilling Trump’s Orders, Imran Khan Abandons Occupied Kashmir to the Treacherous United Nations, When Fighting is the Need and Demand of the Muslims
15 Muharram 1441 AH - 14 September 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Clearly, Our Shield, the Khilafah, Alone Will Respond to the Cries of the Persecuted, Maimed and Martyred in Occupied Kashmir
7 Muharram 1441 AH - 9 September 2019 CE
Women's Section
Indian Policies in Kashmir Target Muslim Children for Abduction
27 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 28 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Solidarity with the Oppressed of Occupied Kashmir Demands the Roar of Our Armed Forces, not Our Standing in Silence
26 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 27 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Spineless Muslim Rulers are Proof that only the Khilafah will Liberate Occupied Kashmir and Masjid al-Aqsa
25 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 26 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Bangladesh |
The People of Kashmir are an Inseparable Part of the Muslim Ummah, Kashmir is not merely an ‘Internal Matter’ of India
22 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 23 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
May the Eyes of Cowards Never Sleep!
19 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 20 August 2019 CE
Britain |
Mass Protests in London Against India’s Aggression Against Kashmir
17 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 18 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Take the Fight to Modi in Occupied Kashmir, Liberating it, Rather than Waiting for Expansion of his Mischief
14 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 15 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Bangladesh |
O Muslims! The Hindu State India is set to wipe out the Muslims of Kashmir and our Agent Rulers are abetting this Evil Project
Reject these Traitorous Rulers and Demand Strong Resistance from our Courageous Military against Indian Belligerence
07 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 8 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
It is the Time to Mobilize the Lions of Pakistan’s Armed Forces to Liberate Occupied Kashmir, not to Invite Trump to Mediate in Talks with his Ally, Modi
05 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 6 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Mobilize the Lions of Pakistan’s Armed Forces to Liberate Occupied Kashmir, Trampling Modi’s Plans for Hindu Domination of the Valley under their Blessed Feet
05 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 6 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Muslims in Bangladesh will never accept Hasina Government’s submission to the Indian Demand of Expanding their Airport into Bangladesh
04 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 5 August 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Bajwa-Imran Regime Bolsters Trump’s Re-Election Campaign by Begging for His Help in Mediation with India and Stabilizing Afghanistan for His Exhausted Troops
20 Dhul Qiddah 1440 AH - 23 July 2019 CE
Britain |
“Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater”
13 Dhul Qiddah 1440 AH - 16 July 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Tying Itself to the Colonialist Tool, the UN, the Bajwa-Imran Supports the Rise in Indian Political Dominance
25 Shawwal 1440 AH - 28 June 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
How does Imran Expect Good from Modi, the Butcher of Gujarat, Mutilator and Murderer of Muslims of Occupied Kashmir?!
19 Ramadan 1440 AH - 24 May 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Both Wants and Assists BJP to Win Elections
04 Sha'aban 1440 AH - 10 April 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Occupied Kashmir and Masjid Al-Aqsa Need Liberating Armed Forces, Not Rhetoric and Referral to the Colonialist UN
03 Shabaan 1440 AH - 09 April 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
On 23rd March Muslims of this Region declared that Hindu Domination is not acceptable to them
But today Pakistan’s Rulers are helping the Hindu State to establish its Domination over Muslims of the Region
15 Rajab 1440 AH - 22 March 2019 CE |
Wilayah Pakistan |
Imran Khan Fully Embraces Trump and Modi’s Crusade Against the Resistance in Occupied Kashmir
28 Jumada II 1440 AH - 05 March 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
3rd March is the Day of the Fall of Our Shield, the Khilafah. Restore it so that Our Armed Forces are Finally Led to Liberate Occupied Kashmir and Masjid al-Aqsa
24 Jumada II 1440 AH - 01 March 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Mobilize our Armed Forces for the Liberation of Occupied Kashmir, Trampling Normalization, Limited Retaliation and International Mediation under their Blessed Feet!
22 Jumada II 1440 AH - 27 February 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Reject Normalization and Restraint to Give the Hindu State a Jaw Breaking Response to its Act of War in Balakot
21 Jumada II 1440 AH - 26 February 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Imran Khan’s Recklessness with the Hostile Hindu State Condemns the Muslims of Occupied Kashmir and Encompasses Pakistan with More Danger and Misery
20 Jumada II 1440 AH - 25 February 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Imran Khan Bestows an Election Gift to Modi by Denouncing Resistance to Indian Occupation of Kashmir as “Terrorism”
15 Jumada II 1440 AH - 20 February 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Cries of the Weak and Oppressed of Occupied Kashmir Deserve the March of the Strong and Powerful Armed Forces of Pakistan
30 Jumada I 1440 AH - 05 February 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Blood of the Martyrs of the Pulwama Massacre must not be Betrayed by Normalization and Division
09 Rabii' II 1440 AH - 18 December 2019 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Whilst India Blinds and Martyrs Kashmir's Muslims, the Bajwa-Imran Regime Offers India Friendship
18 Rabii I 1440 AH - 26 November 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
The Indian Terrorist State Respects Only Force and Strength of the Raging Lion, not the Whimpering Appeals of a Soaked Cat
13 Safar 1440 AH - 22 October 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Kashmir was Occupied through Force and it will be Liberated through the Force of Organized Jihad by Pakistan’s Armed Forces
21 Muharram 1440 AH - 01 October 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
To Please America, Pakistan’s Rulers March on the Path of Humiliation and Submission before the Belligerent Hindu State
13 Muharram 1440 AH - 22 September 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Policy of Restraint towards the Hindu State is a Policy of Surrender and Humiliation which only Encourages Belligerence from our Enemy
20 Ramadhan 1439 AH - 05 June 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Liberation of Occupied Kashmir Demands the Establishment of Khilafah: Indian oppression in Occupied Kashmir is the Result of Criminal Silence of the Political and Military Leadership of Pakistan
22 Sha'ban 1440 AH - 08 May 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Is Fighting only for our Enemy, and being Slaughtered for Us?:
The Khilafah Will Answer the Cries of the Muslims of Occupied Kashmir with Jihad by Our Armed Forces
15 Rajab 1440 AH - 02 April 2018 CE
Wilayah Bangladesh
‘Strengthening Bilateral Relationship through Joint Exercises’ is just another name for Hasina Government’s Traitorous Conspiracy to Kneel our Courageous Military before India
27 Jumada I 1440 AH - 04 March 2018 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Kashmir Day Emphasizes the Need for Khilafah: The Muslims of Occupied Kashmir Await Jihad by Pakistan’s Armed Forces for Liberation
18 Jumada I 1440 AH - 04 February 2018 CE

Youm-e-Istehsal Kashmir (The Day of Exploitation)
Mohammad Adil
05 Muharram al Harram 1443 AH - 13 August 2021 CE
The Betrayal of Occupied Kashmir Continues Unabated
Khalid Salahudin
06 Rabi' II 1442 AH - 21 November 2020 CE
Gilgit-Baltistan Province is Treachery against Occupied Kashmir
Mohammad Adel
26 Safar 1442 AH - 13 October 2020 CE
Pakistan’s Rulers Deploy Flawed Narratives to Negate War as an Option to Liberate Kashmir
Khalid Salahudin
11 Safar 1442 AH - 29 September 2020 CE
Dependence on the International Structures for Liberation of Kashmir, Despite Acknowledging their Failure, Establishes the Bajwa-Imran Regime’s Surrender of Occupied Kashmir
Engineer Shahzad Shaikh
01 Muharram 1442 AH - 20 August 2020 CE
“Allah will not change the circumstances of the people, unless the people change”
Mohammad Adel
22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 12 August 2020 CE
Forceful Annexation of Occupied Kashmir: A Shock to Incite True Independence from Colonialism
Musab Umair
21 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 11 August 2020 CE
In Kashmir, a Year of Misery
Muhammad Hamzah
20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 10 August 2020 CE
5 August and the Politics of War in Occupied Kashmir
Khalid Salahudin
06 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 27 July 2020 CE
Despite Acknowledging the Failure of the United Nations (UN) in Srebrenica, the Bajwa-Imran Regime Still Pleads with the UN to Stop Atrocities in Occupied Kashmir
Engineer Shahzad Shaikh
03 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 AH - 24 July 2020 CE
The Futility of Putting our Trust in the United Nations
Yasmin Malik
22 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 13 July 2020 CE
The Absent Will to Liberate Kashmir
Khalid Salahudin
19 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 10 July 2020 CE
Lessons from the Clash Between Nuclear China and Nuclear India for those Eager for the Liberation of Kashmir
Saad Janjoa
04 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 25 June 2020 CE
Instead of Liberating Occupied Kashmir, Pakistan’s Rulers Strive to Secure US Interests in Afghanistan
Shahzad Shaikh
01 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 22 June 2020 CE
China Confronts India in Ladakh while Pakistan still Fails Kashmiris
Faiq Najah
25 Shawwal 1441 AH - 16 June 2020 CE
Only Khilafah Will Unleash Pakistan’s Armed Forces to End Indian Oppression Forever
Mohammad Adel
21 Shawwal 1441 AH - 12 June 2020 CE
The Suffering of Kashmir, Does it not have an End?
Bilal Al-Muhajir
27 Ramadhan 1441 AH - 20 May 2020 CE
The Nidah from Kashmir!!
Abu Hanfi Kashmiri
10 Sha'aban 1441 AH - 03 April 2020 CE |
Trump and Modi Hand in Hand on a Highway to Hell
Ikhlaq Jehan
04 Rajab 1441 AH - 28 February 2020 CE
In The Eyes of Allah, His Messenger (saaw) and Muslims, Musharraf is a Traitor as He Betrayed Islam and Muslims
Shahzad Shaikh Deputy to the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan
26 Rabii' al-Akhir 1441 AH - 23 December 2019 CE
General Bajwa’s Dilemma
Khalid Salahudin – Pakistan
09 Rabii' al-Akhir 1441 AH - 06 December 2019 CE
System Failure Mandates System Change
Musab Umair – Pakistan
03 Rabii' Al-Akhar 1441 AH -30 November 2019 CE
Peace and Prosperity in South Asia Can Only be Ensured By the Dominance of Islam
Shahzad Shaikh Deputy to the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan
25 Rabii' Al Awwal 1441 AH - 22 November 2019 CE
A State for Islam
Musab Umair – Pakistan
18 Safar 1441 AH - 17 October 2019 CE
Khan’s Speech at the UN is an Insult to Kashmiris
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
09 Safar 1441 AH - 08 October 2019 CE
‘Mother of Humanity’ has Exposed her Treachery with the Plan of Erecting Barbed-Wire Fences in Rohingya Camp
Muhammad Shiraz Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh
08 Safar 1441 AH - 07 October 2019 CE
When Wishes are Horses, Beggars will Ride
Ikhlaq Jehan
30 Muharram 1441 AH - 29 September 2019 CE
Is Reciting Surah Al-Fil the Solution for Kashmir?
Abdul-Kareem Newell
29 Muharram 1441 AH - 28 September 2019 CE
Pray and Strive for the Re-Establishment of Our Shield, Khilafah, so that Occupied Kashmir is Liberated
Tariq Ali – Pakistan
20 Muharram 1441 AH - 19 September 2019 CE
Pakistan is in Need of Strong Military Industrial Development, Including Space Technology, to End Dependence on the Colonialists
Usman Adil – Pakistan
20 Muharram 1441 AH - 19 September 2019 CE
Kashmir: An Open-Air Prison for Muslims
Amanah Abed
19 Muharram 1441 AH - 18 September 2019 CE
Imran Khan’s Status Quo Politics
Adnan Khan
18 Muharram 1441 AH - 17 September 2019 CE
Talks and Mediation Will Never Solve Kashmir Issue
Mohammad Adel
14 Muharram 1441 AH - 13 September 2019 CE
America is Isolated and Weakened by Asymmetrical Warfare in Afghanistan but Pakistan Unable to Capitalize
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
9 Muharram 1441 AH - 8 September 2019 CE
Warships and Aircraft Ready for First US-ASEAN Maritime Drills
Muhammad Hamzah
8 Muharram 1441 AH - 7 September 2019 CE
The Persecution of Muslims in India in the name of National Register of Citizens (NRC) is an ‘External Affair’ according to the Secular Regime of Bangladesh
Muhammad Mustafa Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh
7 Muharram 1441 AH - 6 September 2019 CE
Kashmir is an Ear-Splitting Scream to the Muslim World!
Zehra Malik
28 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 30 August 2019 CE
Friend of Our Enemy is Our Enemy
Ikhlaq Jehan
26 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 27 August 2019 CE
How the World Became So Dependent on America
Muhammed Mustafa
26 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 27 August 2019 CE
Kashmir Crisis is the Problem of Islam:
All Muslim Countries must Stand for It
Fika Komara
23 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 24 August 2019 CE
The Weak Stance of Pakistan’s Political and Military Leadership Encouraged the Hindu State to Give a Threat of Nuclear Strike
Shahzad Shaikh Deputy to the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan
22 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 23 August 2019 CE
Kashmir: When will the Muslim leaders say Enough is Enough?
Fatima Musab Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
19 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 20 August 2019 CE
Khan’s Independence Day Speech Will Increase Indian Aggression Against Pakistan
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
17 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 18 August 2019 CE
Kashmir: Call of Duty to the Armies of the Muslim World, to the Army of Pakistan!
Mohammad Abu Hafsa – Kashmir
17 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 18 August 2019 CE
Kashmir: 150 years of Tyranny and Oppression
Riadh ibn Ibrahim
11 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 10 August 2019 CE
The End Game: What’s Really Going on With Kashmir
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
11 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 10 August 2019 CE
Finding Fame in Shame
Ikhlaq Jehan
25 Dhul Qiddah 1440 AH - 28 July 2019 CE
Understanding Sanctity of Muslim Blood
Ikhlaq Jehan
25 Shawwal 1440 AH - 25 June 2019 CE
The State of Madinah Was Not Built by Taking Support of the Kafir Enemies of Islam and Muslims
Shahzad Shaikh Deputy to the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan
17 Shawwal 1440 AH - 20 June 2019 CE
Pakistan’s Water Issue: Actual Reality and the Solution
Umar Sharif – Pakistan
9 Shabaan 1440 AH - 15 April 2019 CE
Khan Betrays the Muslim Ummah
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
27 Rajab 1440 AH - 03 April 2019 CE
Khan Efforts to Support Modi Undermines Pakistan’s Strength
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
23 Rajab 1440 AH - 30 March 2019 CE
Believers find Strength in a Friendship based on Iman
Ikhlaq Jehan
21 Rajab 1440 AH - 28 March 2019 CE
How the Khilafah will End Colonialism in the Muslim Lands
Ikhlaq Jehan
18 Rajab 1440 AH - 25 March 2019 CE
How will the Khilafah protect Islam and the Islamic Ummah?
Muslima Ash-Shami (Umm Suhaib)
17 Rajab 1440 AH - 24 March 2019 CE
How the Khilafah will Create a Military Superpower that fights for the Cause of Islam
Yasmin Malik
16 Rajab 1440 AH - 23 March 2019 CE
Without the Khilafah, the Muslim Ummah is Plagued with Rulers who Capitulate to the Murderers, Rapists and Occupiers of Muslims
Dr. Nazreen Nawaz Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
7 Rajab 1440 AH - 14 March 2019 CE
Imran Khan’s Weak Stance Will Only Strengthen Indian Oppression in Kashmir
Mohammad Adel
5 Rajab 1440 AH - 12 March 2019 CE
The Sect of Kufr is One
Riadh Ibn Ibrahim
4 Rajab 1440 AH - 11 March 2019 CE
To Serve and Please India, the Subservient Regime of Bangladesh is using the so-called Joint Exercises to Destroy the Spirits and Morale of her own Border Force
Muhammad Kamal Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh
29 Jumada al-Akhar 1440 AH - 06 March 2019 CE
Khilafah is the shield that will provide the Kashmiri people with their due rights
Ikhlaq Jehan
24 Jumada al-Awwal 1440 AH - 01 March 2019 CE
The Pursuit of Martyrdom
Musab Umair – Pakistan
20 Jumada I 1440 AH - 26 January 2019 CE
Occupied Kashmir Bleeds and Pakistan's New Rulers Seek to Befriend their Oppressors
Shahzad Shaikh
10 Muharram 1440 AH - 20 September 2018 CE
US Declared Resistance in Occupied Kashmir as Terrorist and the Regime in Pakistan Still Considers it as Partner
Shahzad Shaikh
30 Dhu Qi'dah 1438 AH - 22 August 2017 CE
Pakistan Must End its Complicity against the Kashmiri People
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
24 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1438 AH - 16 August 2017 CE
Kashmir Burning like never before whilst Muslim Rulers Abandoned them
Engineer Muhammad Salahuddin
11 Sha'aban 1438 AH - 08 May 2017 CE
Solution for Occupied Kashmir is its Liberation through Jihad by Armed Forces, not Plebiscite under the United Nations
Shahzad Shaikh
25 Rajab 1438 AH - 22 April 2017 CE
Human rights abuses and violence against legitimate protest is still ignored by Pakistan and global powers
Maleeha Fahimuddin
03 Safar 1438 AH - 03 November 2016 CE
While Muslims of Kashmir Render Great Sacrifices, Regime and Opposition Play Out Democracy's Political Circus
Shahzad Shaikh
19 Muharram 1438 AH - 20 October 2016 CE
India and Pakistan Trade Insults, as Kashmir Bleeds
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
11 Muharram 1438 AH - 12 October 2016 CE
Betrayal of Occupied Kashmir
Muhammad Atif
09 Muharram 1437 AH - 10 October 2016 CE
Is the Violence in Kashmir an Ominous Sign that America Intends to Kick Start Peace Talks?
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1437 AH - 22 September 2016 CE
Kashmiris are mere Pawns on America’s Chessboard for the Region
Abdul Majeed Bhatti
07 Dhu al-Hijjah 1437 AH - 06 September 2016 CE
The Problems in Kashmir Further Elucidates the Problems in India
Muhammed Ubaid
26 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1437 AH - 29 August 2016 CE
International Institutions will not liberate Kashmir
Engineer Moez Mobeen
24 Shawwal 1437 AH - 29 July 2016 CE
Cowardly Raheel-Nawaz Regime's Lip Service over Hindu State's Atrocities in Occupied Kashmir
Shahzad Shaikh
16 Shawwal 1437 AH - 21 July 2016 CE
Raheel Sharif’s Kashmir Policy
Khalid Salahidin
13 Jamada II 1437 AH - 22 March 2016 CE
Raheel-Nawaz Regime Seeks to Bury Kashmir as per the American Plan
Shahzad Shaikh
10 Rabi' II 1437 AH - 20 January 2016 CE
Kashmiri Muslim women urgently need to be liberated by the second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah on the method of Prophethood
Ammara Tahir
14 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1436 AH - 29 August 2015 CE
Pakistan Needs Khilafah to End the Indian Hostility
Shahzad Shaikh
30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1435 AH - 24 October 2014 CE
Khilafah will Erase the Line of Control and Liberate the Muslims of Kashmir
Shahzad Shaikh
25 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1435 AH - 20 September 2014 CE
Democratic Rulers and Politicians Neglect to Safeguard Kashmir from Floods
Abu Khaled Al Hejazi
22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1435 AH - 17 August 2014 CE
Address to the People of Pakistan by the Eminent Scholar, Thinker and Politician
Sheikh Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah, the Ameer of Hizb ut-Tahrir
Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah
11 Jumadah II 1434 AH - 21 April 2013 CE

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:
Friday, 20 Rabii' al-Awwal 1442 AH - 06 November 2020 CE
Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Pakistan:
Occupied Kashmir Awaits a Khaleefah Rashid who Will Respond to its Children’s Cries, with Military Troops Marching for its Liberation!
Thursday, 11 Dhul-Qi'dah 1441 AH - 02 July 2020 CE
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:
Mobilize to Liberate Kashmir!
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:
Twitter Storm Demanding Release of Brother Abdul-Hadi!
Like thieves stealing in the night to avoid the glare of decent folk, the thugs of the regime, some uniformed and some without uniform, raided the Karachi home of Abdul Hadi just after midnight, on 20th November 2019, seizing him along with his elderly father, a heart patient. Thus, the regime is brutal in dealing with Muslims who demand the ruling by the Quran and the Sunnah, not caring for the sanctity of the home, respect to the elderly or mercy towards the ill and infirm.
May Allah Almighty restore our shield, the Khilafah Rashidah upon the method of the Prophethood. Allahuma Ameen.
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan calls upon your participation in a Twitter Storm demanding Abdul Hadis release.
Saturday, 02 Jumada al Awwal 1441 AH - 28 December 2019 CE
10pm sharp Local Time in Pakistan

UK Kashmir Conference 2019 - "Conflict in Kashmir"
Hizb ut Tahrir / Britain organized a conference in the southern city of Luton entitled 'The 2019 Kashmir Conference'. The conference included four keynote speeches, which focused on several issues, the most important of which is the new world situation, as China has become a strong competitor to the United States of America and everything that is happening in and around Kashmir. The talks stressed that there is no solution to Kashmir only the establishment of the State of Islam (a second Khilafah Rashidah upon the methodology of the Prophethood) that will move the armies of Muslims to liberate Kashmir and the rest of the occupied Muslim countries.
Sunday 28 Safar Khair 1441 AH, corresponding to 27 October 2019 CE
Click Here for Full Videos and Images

Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Pakistan: The Khilafah alone will Liberate Kashmir
Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan will organize a Twitter Campaign to call upon the lions in the armed forces of Pakistan to grant Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah Rashida upon the method of the Prophethood.
14 Safar 1441 AH - 13 October 2019 CE
Click Here for more Info

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:
Police File an Indictment (FIR) against Hizb ut Tahrir!
The police in Pakistan has filed an indictment (FIR) against Hizb ut Tahrir, to initiate an investigation of violations committed by the party!
This statement came after the party launched a campaign in support of Kashmir, in which it called on the Pakistan's army of lions to support and liberate Kashmir from the clutches of the Indian occupation, and after the Islam of the regime of Raheel / Imran Kashmir to India and reassure them not to release the hands of the army lions, the regime went beyond cowardice and its workers by chasing those who they call on the army to do its duty and describe it as a “terror” resistance in Kashmir.The regime police released an indictment against Hizb ut Tahrir on October 1, 2019.
2 Safar 1441 AH - 1 October 2019 CE

Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Pakistan: Campaign,
Reject United Nations & Establish Second Khilafah Rashida!
Our brothers and sisters are suffering immensely in Occupied Kashmir at the hands of the tyrant Modi. Rather than mobilizing the lions of our armed forces in answer to their cries for help, Pakistan's rulers are appealing to the colonialist tool, the United Nations, which has always sought to divide and weaken the Muslim Lands.
01 Safar Khair 1441 AH - 30 September 2019 CE
Click Here

Hizb ut Tahrir/ America: Kashmir Conference
History of Sacrifice and Courage in the Face of Occupation
The illegal and brutal occupation of Kashmir has again been brought to the attention of the world, after the announcement revoking the special status of occupied Kashmir with the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by the Indian government.
The conference aims to expose the history of this injustice, those responsible in maintaining/ perpetuating this crime; and the only solution that will bring security and prosperity for the people of Kashmir and the entire region.
Sunday, 09 Muharram 1441 AH - 08 September 2019 CE

Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Pakistan: Campaign
Lions of Pakistan's Armed Forces Grant Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir to Establish the Khilafah
At a time that the Muslims are sorely feeling the absence of their shield, the Khilafah, Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan is undertaking a Twitter Campaign to demand the lions of Pakistan's Armed Forces grant Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah so they are finally mobilized to liberate Occupied Kashmir, then on its way to liberate Al Aqsa Al Mubarak.
Sunday, 02 Muharram 1441 AH - 01 September 2019 CE

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan: Campaign,
Lions of Pakistan's Armed Forces Liberate Occupied Kashmir
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan is undertaking a Twitter Campaign to demand the lions of Pakistan's Armed Forces are mobilized for the liberation of Occupied Kashmir, overturning Modis plan to increase the subjugation of the Muslims, Thus, we call the caring Muslims to join us in this important campaign, praying to Allah (swt) to reward their supporting the oppressed Muslims of Occupied Kashmir.
Friday, 22 Dhul Hijjah AH - 23 August 2019 CE

Hizb ut Tahrir / Britain Delegation to the Pakistan High Commission in London
A delegation from Hizb ut Tahrir / Britain visited the Pakistani Embassy in London to deliver a message and petition that Pakistan needs to take concrete measures against Indian aggression upon the Muslims in Kashmir.
19 Dhul Hijjah 1440 AH - 20 August 2019 CE
Click Here for Video

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan:
Mass Campaign to Reject International Mediation Declare Jihad to Liberate Occupied Kashmir
Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan launched a mass campaign on social media calling on Muslims to reject international mediation of normalization with Hindu State and mobilize our armed forces for the liberation of occupied Kashmir.
Friday, 24 Jumada al Akhir 1440 AH - 01 March 2019 CE

Wilayah Pakistan |
Martyrdom Anniversary of Burhan Wani A Sincere Leadership would Mobilize our Ready and Willing Armed Forces in Jihad to Liberate Kashmir Now
13 Shawwal 1438 AH - 07 July 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Only the Khilafah will Rid Us of the Curse of a Westernized Ruling Elite and Mobilize Our Armed Forces for Liberation of Kashmir
05 Shawwal 1438 AH - 29 June 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Occupied Kashmir Demands Liberation by the Khilafah, the Shield of the Ummah
17 Ramadhan 1438 AH - 12 June 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Liberation of Occupied Kashmir is an Obligation (Fard) Ramadhan is the Month of the Victory, Let it Witness the Return of the Dominance of Islam over the Oppressive Hindus
03 Ramadhan 1438 AH - 29 May 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Regime Secretly Proceeds to Secure "Akhand Bharat" Halt the Traitors in their Tracks as they take Tentative First Steps to Subjugate Muslims to Indian Domination
02 Sha'aban 1438 AH - 29 April 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Protests against Betrayal of Kashmir Corruption of Rulers includes Paving the Way for Greater India “Akhund Bharat”
23 Rajab 1438 AH - 20 April 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Liberate Kashmir through Jihad by Armed Forces Why Lose through Negotiations that which would Never be Lost on the Battlefield?
21 Rajab 1438 AH - 18 April 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Through Water Talks, Normalization Picks Up Pace The Khilafah "Caliphate" will Solve the Water Issue by Destroying the "Greater India" Plan
23 Jamada II 1438 AH - 22 March 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Pakistan's Rulers are Distorting the Concept of Jihad to Please their Kafir Masters
14 Jumadah II 1438 AH - 13 March 2017 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Seeking Trump's Pleasure, Pakistan's Rulers Strive for Akhand Bharat (Greater India) and the Betrayal of Kashmir
20 Jumada I 1438 AH - 17 February 2017 CE |
Wilayah Pakistan |
Resumption of Dialogue between Pakistan and India Hiding Behind Nawaz, Does not Diminish Raheel's Betrayal of Kashmir
18 Jumadah I 1438 AH - 29 December 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Pakistan-wide Public Address (Bayyan) Campaign: Occupied Kashmir will not be Liberated by Negotiations Except Jihad by Pakistan Armed Forces
22 Safar 1438 AH - 22 November 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Seven Soldiers Martyred by Hindu State If it is not the Time to Smash Indian Arrogance and Liberate Kashmir, Then When?
14 Safar 1438 AH - 14 November 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan Holds Protest for Liberation of Occupied Kashmir
05 Muharram 1438 AH - 06 October 2016 CE
Central Media Office |
India Murders Kashmir’s Muslims while Pakistan’s Regime Outsources its Army for America’s Use Rather than Protecting Muslims!
25 Duh al-Hijjah 1437 AH - 27 September 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Only a Foolish, Cowardly Traitor can plead to the United Nations and the So-Called International Community for the Liberation of Kashmir
20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1437 AH - 22 September 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" Will Liberate Kashmir The Muslims of Kashmir Await Jihad by Pakistan Armed Forces Against Hindu Aggression
06 Shawwal 1437 AH - 11 July 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Liberation of Kashmir is not Possible without Khilafah "Caliphate"
26 Rabi' II 1437 AH - 02 February 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Aftermath of Pathankot, Seize the Hands of the Regime, as it Abandons Occupied Kashmir to the Hindu State
01 Rabi' II 1437 AH - 11 January 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Raheel-Nawaz Regime Prepares to Hammer another Nail in the Coffin of Occupied Kashmir
29 Rabi I 1437 AH - 09 January 2016 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Is there no one in the Pakistan Army to Prevent Raheel and Nawaz from Betraying the Muslims of Kashmir and this Region?
15 Rabi I 1437 AH - 26 December 2015 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
5th February Kashmir Day Kashmir Will Only be Liberated by Establishment of Khilafah
16 Rabi' I 1436 AH - 05 February 2015 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Indian Aggression along the Line of Control (LoC) Weak Response from Raheel-Nawaz Regime Encourages India in its Aggression
15 Dhu al-Hijjah 1435 AH - 09 October 2014
Wilayah Pakistan |
Submission Before India is a Crime Against Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw) and the Believers Raheel-Nawaz Regime Abandons the Duty of Liberating All of Kashmir from Hindu Occupation
03 Dhu al-Hijjah 1435 AH - 27 September 2014 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Promotions and Appointments in Pakistan Army Armed Forces' Officers are Responsible for Protecting Muslim Lands and Extending Nussrah for the Implementation of Islam
29 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1435 AH -24 September 2014 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
The Mandate of the People is for Jihad through Armed Forces to Liberate Kashmir and Not to Reward the Mushrik State by Abandoning It
19 Shawwal 1434 AH - 26 August 2013 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Violation of a Mosque and Martyrdom of Seven Muslims in Occupied Kashmir
10 Ramadhan 1434 AH - 19 July 2013 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Abolish Democracy, Establish Khilafah Kayani-Sharif Regime Bows before India, even before Nawaz Sharif Takes the Oath of Office!
04 Rajab 1434 AH - 14 May 2013 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Only the Khilafah will Liberate Kashmir and Restore Islam's Dominance to the Indian Subcontinent
25 Rabi' al-Awwal 1434 AH - 06 February 2013 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Indian Escalation on line of Control Khilafah will Permanently End Hindu Hostility at our Borders
27 Safar 1434 AH - 10 January 2013 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
Obama's Statement in Favour of India on Kashmir is a Slap in the Face of Pakistani Rulers
27 Sha'aban 1433 AH - 17 July 2012 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Surrender of Kashmir - Another Treachery of Kayani and Gillani! People of Pakistan Will Never Allow Treachery over Kashmir
15 Dhu al-Hijjah 1432 AH - 11 November 2011 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
America Wants to Create an Indo-Pak Block Against China! Importing Electricity from India and Granting him MFN Status is to Insure Indian Superiority in the Region
07 Dhu al-Hijjah 1432 AH - 03 November 2011 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Those Keen for Oil and Electricity Import from Hindu Bunya (Loan Sharks) Need to Explain Away How True India has Been to the Indus Water Treaty
26 Jumada I 1432 AH - 29 April 2011 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Hizb ut-Tahrir held countrywide demos to mark the ‘Kashmir-Day' Rulers will not be allowed to surrender Kashmir under the guise of "peace"
22 Safar 1431 AH - 05 Februrary 2010 CE
Brown joins US and India in stoking anti-Pakistan propaganda
17 Dhu al-Hijjah 1429 AH - 14 December 2008 CE
Wilayah Pakistan |
Zardari's statement regarding Jihad in Kashmir and America's missile attacks is enough to prove his treason
08 Shawwal 1429 AH - 07 October 2008 CE
Wilayah Pakistan
By establishing the Khilafah sacrifices made in 1947 can only be made fruitful
13 Sha'aban 1429 AH - 15 August 2008